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Routes inheritance

Inheritance logic#

aom supports the mechanics of data inheritance, which allows you to create generic route nodes, the logic of which extends to common cases.

Inheritance is done in a standard JavaScript way: using the extends operator.

When inheriting for a child class, it is necessary to use the @Controller class decorator, since it is in it that the actions for the correct transfer of routes, endpoints, middleware and used arguments are performed.

If the child class has its own static methods that overload the values of the parent class, then they will remain unchanged. Similarly, if endpoints or bridge constructions with addresses and methods similar to the parent ones exist in the child class, then they will not be affected by inheritance. In that case, when assembling the route map, notifications will be shown about which elements were skipped during their inheritance.

Inheritance also carries information from the decorators of the OpenApi documentation. An important point in this case will be the use of the context of the data schemas of the child class. To access this data, use the ThisRef function, which returns the constructor value of the current cursor as an argument to the passed function. More on this in the relevant section.


// CatalogsBase.ts// initiate a common parent class
// using `ThisRef` define filters that will be applied to search queriesconst CatalogsQuery = ThisRef(<T extends typeof CatalogsBase>({ model }: T) => $SafeQuery(model));// using `ThisRef` define filters that will be applied to incoming dataconst CatalogsBody = ThisRef(<T extends typeof CatalogsBase>({ model }: T) => $SafeBody(model));// using `ThisRef` define the data schema that will be used in the OpenApi documentationconst CatalogsSchema = ThisRef(<T extends typeof CatalogsBase>({ model }: T) => model);
// we describe the route node that the child classes will inherit@Controller()class CatalogsBase {  // we indicate what type of documents will be used in the context of class instances  document: models.Categories | models.Brands;  // we indicate in the static property of the class the admissible data models  static model: typeof models.Categories | typeof models.Brands;  // parent route nodes can use parameters  static id = "id";
  static toString() {    return `:${}(.{24})`;  }
  // define an endpoint to get a list of data  @Get()  @Summary("Data list")  @Responses({    status: 200,    isArray: true,    // use the `ThisRef` wrapper to get the context value of a specific model at the time of assembling routes    schema: CatalogsSchema,  })  // a previously defined function is used for filtering  static Index(@Query(CatalogsQuery) query) {    return this.model.find({ ...query });  }
  // define an endpoint to add an element  @Post()  @Summary("Add value")  @RequestBody({    schema: CatalogsSchema,  })  @Responses({    status: 200,    schema: CatalogsSchema,  })  static Add(@Body(CatalogsBody) body) {    return this.model.create({ ...body });  }
  // define a middleware to check for the existence of a value  @Middleware()  @PathParameters({    [`${CatalogsBase}`]: {      name:,      schema: { type: "string", pattern: "^[0-9,a-f,A-F]{24}$" },      description: "Идентификатор",    },  })  @Responses({    status: 404,    schema: NotFoundError,  })  static async Check(    @This() catalog: CatalogsBase,    @Params( id,    @Next() next,    @Err() err  ) {    catalog.document = await this.model.findById(id);    if (catalog.document) {      return next();    }    return err("document not found", 404);  }
  // define a parametric endpoint to edit the value  @Patch(`${CatalogsBase}`)  @Summary("Edit value")  @Use(CatalogsBase.Check)  @RequestBody({    schema: CatalogsSchema,  })  @Responses({    status: 200,    schema: CatalogsSchema,  })  static async Update(@This() { document }: CatalogsBase, @Body(CatalogsBody) body) {    Object.assign(document, { ...body });    await;    return document;  }
  // define a parametric endpoint to remove the value  @Delete(`${CatalogsBase}`)  @Summary("Remove value")  @Use(CatalogsBase.Check)  @Responses({    status: 200,    schema: MessageResponse,  })  static async Delete(@This() { document }: CatalogsBase, @Body(CatalogsBody) body) {    await document.remove();    return { message: "Документ удален", document };  }}
// create a route node `Categories` inherited from the parent class@Controller()@AddTag("Categories")@Use(Categories.Prepare)class Categories extends CatalogsBase {  static model = models.Categories;
  @UseTag(Categories)  @Middleware()  static Prepare(@Next() next) {    return next();  }}
// create a route node `Categories` inherited from the parent class@Controller()@AddTag("Brands")@Use(Brands.Prepare)class Brands extends CatalogsBase {  static model = models.Brands;
  @UseTag(Brands)  @Middleware()  static Prepare(@Next() next) {    return next();  }}
// use created route nodes@Bridge("/categories", Categories)@Bridge("/brands", Brands)@AddTag("Catalogs processing")@Use(Catalogs.Init)class Catalogs {  //..  @UseTag(Catalogs)  @MergeNextTags()  @Middleware()  static Init(@Next() next) {    return next();  }}

As a result of this code, two route nodes Categories and Brands will be created, which will inherit all endpoints and middleware, including the documentation decorators, providing a valid context transfer when using the decorators @This, as well as when using the values of this in static methods of the class.

Inheritance in aom allows bridge constructs to be applied to child route nodes as well. However, the use of the @Bridge decorator implies the use of strictly defined route nodes, which will be accessed "as is" to the child classes, without performing complex cascading inheritance procedures.

Using ThisRef#

The ThisRef function creates a wrapper container to access a child class that inherits the specific decorators of the parent class.

Accepts as its only argument another function, in which the argument is placed the value of constructor from the current cursor, which in general is a direct inheritor of the class for which this construct is applied.

The function can be used in the following decorators:

  • @Body as a function argument, must return a validation function for incoming data
  • @Query as a function argument, must return a validation function for incoming data
  • @Responses for the value schema, must return the JSON schema of the document
  • @RequestBody for the value schema, must return the JSON schema of the document

If the parent class is used as a self-contained routing node, then ThisRef will return its own value from the parent class, and will work correctly in this situation.