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Extra schemas usage


ComponentSchema is the only decorator that does not apply to route nodes, but to structures that are nested documents in data models, or for common data structure, if you need to show them into section Schemas of Swagger documentation.

It is recommended to use it for all models and data schemas: aom will create links to the specified types like {$ref: "#/components/schema/ClassName"}

The use of this decorator is due to the peculiarities of the work of the class-validator and class-validator-jsonschema packages, which require observance of certain rules when using the decorator @ValidateNested.

// ...// ... data model with nested structure (using `typegoose`)class Users {  @prop({ ref: () => Users })  @IsMongoId()  userId: Ref<Users>;
  @prop({ type: () => HistoryAction })  @ValidateNested({ each: true })  @Type(() => HistoryAction)  history: HistoryAction[];}
// ... subdocument `HistoryAction`// add a decorator to it, which will create a definition that the generator `json-schema` will refer to@ComponentSchema()class HistoryAction extends JSONSchema {  @prop()  @IsString()  action: string;
  @prop()  @IsDate()  actionDate: Date;}

Thus, when generating documentation with using to the Users data model, the correct structure will be obtained, taking data for the nested list.